About FixIt

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FixIt logo FixIt is a clean, elegant but advanced blog theme for Hugo developed by Lruihao.

It is based on the original LoveIt Theme, KeepIt Theme and LeaveIt Theme.

Hugo Theme FixIt
Hugo Theme FixIt


Performance and SEO

  •  Optimized for performance: 99/100 on mobile and 100/100 on desktop in Google PageSpeed Insights
  •  Optimized SEO performance with a correct SEO SCHEMA based on JSON-LD
  •  Google Analytics supported
  •  Fathom Analytics supported
  •  Search engine verification supported (Google, Bing, Yandex, Pinterest, Baidu, 360 and Sogou)
  •  CDN for third-party libraries supported
  •  Automatically converted images with Lazy Load by lazysizes

Appearance and Layout

  • / Responsive layout
  • / Light/Dark mode
  •  Globally consistent design language
  •  Pagination supported
  •  Easy-to-use and self-expanding table of contents
  •  Multilanguage supported and i18n ready
  •  Beautiful CSS animation

Social and Comment Systems

  •  Gravatar supported by Gravatar
  •  Local Avatar supported
  •  Up to 85 social links supported
  •  Up to 28 share sites supported
  •  Disqus comment system supported by Disqus
  •  Gitalk comment system supported by Gitalk
  •  Valine comment system supported by Valine
  •  Waline comment system supported by Waline
  •  Facebook comments system supported by Facebook
  •  Telegram comments system supported by Comments
  •  Commento comment system supported by Commento
  •  Utterances comment system supported by Utterances
  •  Artalk comment system supported by Artalk
  •  Twikoo comment system supported by Twikoo
  •  giscus comment system supported by giscus

Extended Features

  •  PWA (Progressive Web App) supported
  •  Sub Menu supported
  •  Content Encryption supported (Pages, Partial)
  •  Friends page embedded template
  •  Search supported by Lunr.js or algolia
  •  Twemoji supported
  •  Automatically highlighting code
  •  Copy code to clipboard with one click
  •  Images gallery supported by lightgallery
  •  Extended Markdown syntax for Font Awesome icons
  •  Extended Markdown syntax for ruby annotation
  •  Extended Markdown syntax for fraction
  •  Mathematical formula supported by $\KaTeX$
  •  Diagrams shortcode supported by mermaid
  •  Interactive data visualization shortcode supported by ECharts
  •  Mapbox shortcode supported by Mapbox GL JS
  •  Music player shortcode supported by APlayer and MetingJS
  •  Bilibili player shortcode
  •  Kinds of admonitions shortcode
  •  Custom style shortcode
  •  Custom script shortcode
  •  Animated typing supported by TypeIt
  •  Cookie consent banner supported by cookieconsent
  •  Web Watermark supported by cell-watermark
  •  Chinese typesetting supported by pangu.js


Thanks to the authors of following resources included in the theme:
The FixIt also draws on some features of the following projects, and thanks to their authors as well:


FixIt is licensed under the MIT license. Check the LICENSE file for details.
